Mar 6, 2025 | Uncategorized
For those interested in keeping this Comp going! Our AGM is being held on Thursday, 27th. March, 7.30 pm. at 17 Halcyon Way, Narre Warren (South.) We had a very successful 2024, but check out the notes on our Plenary Meeting in December, 2024 for some of the things we considered for changes moving into 2025 – including price increases to cover increased costs. Let us know if you have ideas for improvements or suggestions for Adjudicators. Contact Sheila on 9705-0206 or Garry on 0433 933 679 if you’d like to attend, or be prepared to attend future meetings if this night just doesn’t suit. Perhaps you’d like to take over the Presidency???? We affirm the general and Executive Committee and usually discuss finances, set dates for Entry Opening/Closures, Program finalisation, and issuing of the Running Sheet at this meeting.
Mar 5, 2024 | Uncategorized
At our Plenary meeting on 12th. December, the following points were discussed to be affirmed at our AGM early in 2025:
- Dates for 2025 being October 11/12 (Troupes and Over 12s), 18/19 (Over 12s), 25/26 (Under 12s), November 1/2 (Under 12s, All-age Champs and Scholarship). These dates have been booked with Cranbourne Community Theatre.
- A donation of $2,000 will be made to the Breast Cancer Network to supplement the tine collection of $21.10. Suggest next year we offer attendees the opportunity to donate through EFTPOS.
- Theatre rental increased by more than 100% without consultation due to the compulsory attendance of a technician at the venue throughout our hire. Ultimately revised slightly, but will need to budget for increased rental charge in future years.
- Need for a FOH Co-ordinator. Yvette offered to take this on, or perhaps a new Committee member may be interested.
- General need for helpers/volunteers as well as Champ families helping as required. Garry does too much. Suggest those who are unable to fill a rostered position be able to pay a nominal amount that might allow us to employ someone (older teen/ex dancer) to take their role. Suggestion to ask Troupe schools to allocate a volunteer each to assist with set-up/pack-up during Troupe weekend.
- Music uploads – generally work well, but a few ignore the arrangements and play upon our preparedness to help and others make mistakes. May need to take (a lot) time to follow up on those whose music has not arrived. Theatre technology is becoming limited and may not continue to support CDs, USBs, etc. Using competitor/teacher phones is cumbersome and holds up the progress of sections. A few competitors began to think it humorous that they could just bring their phone to the bio-box. This disturbs the Adjudicators and potentially disrupts the recording of previous crits as alternative music is organised.
- Agreed to have Under 12 and Over 12 Novice and Open Hip-Hop sections in 2025.
- Adjudicators for 2025 to be decided.
- Video Crits – need for competitors to be able to nominate the email to which crits should be sent. A great deal of confusion caused by parents entering with surnames not matching those of the competitors.
- Creative Victoria Grant – almost certainly not available in the future. Will need to budget for this. In 2024 we received $4,000 towards the costs of our Adjudicators.
- Teachers on Committee – discussed and decided to continue with our desire not to have current teachers on Committee, although some of those on Committee do have close contact with teachers.
2024 Results And Awards
Congratulations to Cathy-Lea Studios for winning the 2024 Teacher’s Trophy.
Congratulations to Ayasha Ursa Nugroho for winning the $500.00 Dandenong Festival of Music and Art for Youth Scholarship.
Garry will be trying to lessen his involvement with the event moving into 2025, but this will require some people being willing to learn some of what he has done for quite a few years. It will also mean people stepping up to be on Committee and actually take on a role rather than (only) filling in rostered spots in October. We usually only have 3 meetings each year and people carry on with their jobs in between. Some events like ours have ceased. Let’s keep this one going with a bit of effort and time.
Contact Garry on 0433 933 679 or Sheila on 9705-0206 if you wish to express an interest in helping in any way, or being on the Committee.