First weekend full results below:

2024 Results And Awards

Thank-you!!!  To those who assisted in any way with packing up on Sunday night.  It enabled us to get away at a civilised time (sort of).

Congratulations to Cathy-Lea Studios for winning the 2024 Teacher’s Trophy.

Get your music to us through ‘Stardom’.   These are open for all sections on all weekends now.  All music is due by Saturday, 5th. October.  If your music is not uploaded by the due date, it will be assumed you are not presenting.  All participants have been emailed with this information and a ‘Stardom’ video clip of the process to upload and, if needed, change their music.  Note that “Music Uploads” is a different company, sometimes used by events that also use ‘Stardom’ for entries.  Upload your music for our event using ‘Stardom’.  A video on how to do it is below.

The video to explain music uploads is at:

Official Program  This was mailed out from the Post Office to those who pre-ordered in the week of September 13th.  Please advise Garry if yours does not arrive, or if you forgot to order one in advance.  Cost is $20.00, but you need to deposit the money into our account before I send it out to you.

2024 Running Sheet/Divided Sections   Click on the links.

2024 Casey Comps Running Sheet

DEOD 2024 Divided Sections

Adjudicators Revised.  Luke Alleva will be with us on Weekends 1 (Troupes and Over 12 solos) and 3 (Under 12s), Jaz Flowers will adjudicate Weekends 2 (Over 12s) and Weekend 4 (Under 12s and Champs).  Christopher Politis will be our special Adjudicator for the $500.00 Scholarship on our final evening, just prior to our aggregate winner presentations.  The Adjudicator bios are available on this website under the “About Us and Our Comps” tab, for those interested.  (Dylan Dickson has had to withdraw owing to recently teaching students who may finish up in the Scholarship section.  We thank him for his professionalism.)

40th. Event Special Features – Pics and an ‘Alumni’ Section:   Seemed like a good idea …..    The only photos received have been from Committee and no expressions of interest from former participants to perform again in our special section and so we’ll roll along as usual – doing the best we can to present all competitors to advantage.

Contact Garry on 0433 933 679 if you wish to express an interest in helping.  The Committee has allowed for a payment to those assisting with set-up and pack up each weekend.  Contact Garry if you wish to take advantage of this outside of our regular volunteers roster.