Presentation Pics from 2018

Before other presentations commenced, we were pleased to be able to present a $2,000.00 donation from the comp proceeds to the Breast Cancer Network of Australia. Our long-serving Secretary, Sheila Daniells, who is a Breast Cancer survivor, looks on proudly in the background. A lot of her work goes into this event – and the donation – each year.

April Wangman was the runner-Up in our Under 6 Aggregate category.

Here we actually see Axel from the front. April looks like she’s admiring Axel’s trophy. Maybe next year ……

Callum Ferguson stood head and shoulders above the rest in accepting his 16 and Over Aggregate Award.

Jessica Roberts made the most of her time at “Casey Comps” in 2018, being awarded with the “Most Outstanding Ballerina” title – as well as the “Senior Best All-Rounder”!!

We are sure there are many rising stars amongst our presentation group. Not long now until our 37th. “Casey Comps” in 2019. Thanks again to Renee Tarzia and “Treasured Timelines” for the wonderful photos.

Max and Harry Hennessy certainly were two gentlemen in presenting our Adjudicators (Louise Chapman, left, and Hilary Hazledine, right) with a “thank-you” gift of flowers.

Axel Shirt was our Under 6 Aggregate winner. Seen here accepting his trophy from Hilary Hazledine.

Sienna Doolin and Kailee Baulk were our 8 and Under 10 Novice Aggregate Runner-Up and Winner respectively.

One of the thrills for the Eisteddfod Committee is to be able to reward so many talented young performers who have entertained us across four weekends.

Congratulations to the Staff and Students at Beau Rock Ballet School for winning the 2018 Teachers’ Trophy for performances in our Troupe Sections. Funny how Garry’s hair-line seems to have changed so markedly in the last 20+ years!