Prize Winning Pics from 2017
During our 2017 Presentations, we were able to catch our Secretary, Sheila Daniells on the left, handing trophies to our 2017 Adjudicators – Brooke McDowell (second from left) and Tania Attard-O’Dwyer. On the right in his favourite position (holding a microphone) is Eisteddfod President, Garry Martin.

The Dandenong Eisteddfod Committee takes pride in being able to award so many competitors for their efforts. Gathered here are our Aggregate and Encouragement Award winners for 2017. Congratulations to all!

KC’s School of Dance won the Teachers’ Trophy for 2017, being the school winning the most points from our Troupe sections during the Eisteddfod. Here Karen and Carla, Principals of KC’s, accept the perpetual trophy for the win. Congratulations!

Though not winning the Entertainment Section, the undoubted crowd favourite was ‘The Three Amigos’ (plus one!). We hope Steve, Martin, Chevy and friend come back next year!